Thursday, June 25, 2009


Last weekend Josh and I went to Strawberry Days up in Pleasant Grove. It's a big festival of rodeos, crafts, carnival rides...and strawberries. We leisurely wandered around the craft fair and the carnival rides. Nothing really caught our attention but it was a fun place to take pictures. Once we were out of "meander"-thal mode we went to the Purple Turtle to grab a bite to eat. I've been dying to go to the Purple Turtle since we moved out here two years ago. When I was six years old, growing up in Orem, I thought it was the coolest place to eat. I guess it still is since it was packed when we got there. We thoroughly enjoyed our shakes and tater tots.

It was a happy date.


  1. love those pictures!

    Man, I love going to fairs but I always find out about them after the fact. Bummer

  2. My aunt used to take us to Strawberyy days when we were kids! I forgot all about the Purple Turtle too. SO fun!
